Creating Your Character
Step 1: Establish Attributes
Every character has six core attributes: Strength (STR), Dexterity (DEX), Constitution (CON), Intelligence (INT), Wisdom (WIS), and Charisma (CHA). These represent your character’s physical, mental, and social abilities.
- Roll 3d6 six times and assign the scores to your attributes in any order.
- Each score provides a modifier, as shown below:
Score Modifier 3 -2 4-6 -1 7-14 0 15-17 +1 18 +2
Modifiers will be used for most rolls in the game.
Step 2: Choose a Race
Each race offers specific traits and abilities. The following options are included:
- Dwarf: Gain Stone Kinship (advantage on checks involving stonework) and Darkvision (see in darkness up to 60 feet). Base Speed: 25 feet.
- Elf: Gain Keen Senses (advantage on perception checks involving sight) and Darkvision. Base Speed: 30 feet.
- Halfling: Gain Nimble (advantage on stealth checks) and Lucky (reroll 1s on attack rolls or saving throws once per turn). Base Speed: 25 feet.
- Human: Gain Versatile (an additional skill proficiency of your choice). Base Speed: 30 feet.
Step 3: Select a Class
Choose a class that defines your character's role in the adventure.
- Fighter: Masters of physical combat. Gain Second Wind (heal 1d10 + level once per short rest). Hit Die: d10.
- Rogue: Specialists in stealth and precision. Gain Sneak Attack (extra 1d6 damage when attacking with advantage). Hit Die: d8.
- Wizard: Arcane spellcasters. Gain Spellcasting (access to wizard spells and a pool of spell slots). Hit Die: d6.
Step 4: Choose a Background
Your background provides additional flavor and proficiencies. Examples include:
- Soldier: Proficiency in Athletics and Intimidation. Gain Military Rank.
- Acolyte: Proficiency in Religion and Insight. Gain Shelter of the Faithful.
- Outlander: Proficiency in Survival and Athletics. Gain Wanderer.
Step 5: Calculate Other Stats
- Hit Points (HP): Maximum roll of your class's hit die + Constitution modifier at level 1.
- Armor Class (AC): 10 + Dexterity modifier, modified by armor worn.
- Speed: Defined by your race.
Step 6: Purchase Equipment
Roll 3d6 x 10 gold pieces (gp) to determine starting funds. Use them to buy weapons, armor, and tools from the Equipment Table.
- Example:
- Short Sword: 10 gp, 1d6 damage.
- Leather Armor: 10 gp, AC 11 + DEX.