Core Mechanics
Ability Checks
To resolve actions, roll a d20 and add the appropriate ability modifier. The result must equal or exceed the Difficulty Class (DC) set by the GM.
Standard DCs:
- Easy: 10
- Moderate: 15
- Hard: 20
Advantage and Disadvantage
Roll 2d20 instead of 1.
- With advantage, take the higher roll.
- With disadvantage, take the lower roll.
Combat Basics
Combat is resolved in turns, with actions such as attacking, moving, or using items. Initiative determines the order of play (roll a d20 + Dexterity modifier).
Attack Rolls: Roll a d20 + proficiency bonus + attribute modifier.
- If the result meets or exceeds the target's AC, the attack hits.
- Damage Rolls: Roll the weapon’s damage die, adding the relevant modifier.
Critical Hits and Fumbles:
- A natural 20 doubles the damage dice.
- A natural 1 may cause unintended consequences, as determined by the GM.